New Battleground States Poll Shows Strong Voter Confidence in Fair Elections


Voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin Voice Opposition to Partisan Interference in Elections

WASHINGTON, DC – Seventy-eight percent of voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin, are confident that their state can administer a fair election, where everyone has the opportunity to vote and the votes are counted accurately, according to a new poll by the Secure Democracy Foundation, Issue One, Unite America and RepresentUs

Conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, the poll surveyed 2,033 voters in those battleground states between Oct. 20-26, 2022. To view the polling memo, click here.

The new survey found that less than a week before the midterm elections, voters trust state officials and agencies to follow the law when certifying election results. Additionally, voters not only have confidence in how elections are run in their state, but also in the various voting methods offered throughout the country.

The key findings of the survey include:

  • 94% of voters agree their state body has a responsibility to certify election results as faithfully reported by local election officials. 
  • 80% of voters think their state body should certify the election even if a losing candidate refuses to concede, including 79% of Republican voters.
  • 76% of voters think their state body should certify the election even if a losing candidate claims there was fraud without providing any evidence, including 74% of Republican voters. 
  • 74% of voters think their state body should certify the election even if a losing candidate appeared to be in the lead on election night but ultimately lost after mail-in, absentee, and military ballots were counted, including 66% of Republican voters. 
  • Strong majorities of voters express confidence in various voting methods ensuring a fair election where everyone has the opportunity to vote and the votes are counted accurately.
    • 88% of voters express confidence in Election Day voting at a polling location.
    • 79% of voters express confidence in early voting at a polling location.
    • Nearly 8 in 10 voters express confidence in election results tabulated by a voting machine (79%).
  • 88% of voters believe it is VERY important that  elections are free of political or partisan interference, including 88% of Republican voters.

“As Election Day nears, voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin are expressing strong confidence in their state’s ability to administer a fair and free election,” said Daniel Griffith, senior director of policy at Secure Democracy Foundation. “Strong majorities of voters believe their state bodies should certify the election – even if a losing candidate refuses to concede or a losing candidate claims there was fraud without providing evidence.” 

“On Election Day and the days after, we know what the election liars’ ridiculous playbook is going to be because they did it in 2020: Declare victory before all the votes are counted, claim fraud that doesn’t exist, and rile up their supporters to harass and threaten election workers,” said RepresentUs CEO Joshua Graham Lynn. “This poll makes it clear: Republicans, Democrats and Independents trust our elections and the public servants who run them. Americans want every legal vote counted, no matter how long it takes. And we’re unified against self-interested politicians lying and stoking fear about the election for their own gain.”

“Free and fair elections are the hallmark of American democracy. They’re made possible by the hardworking officials and everyday poll workers who make sure everyone eligible can vote and every vote is counted. Thanks to them, voters can have confidence that their voices matter and that our country’s great experiment in self governance can move forward securely and peacefully,” said Nick Penniman, Issue One CEO and founder. 

“Americans in overwhelming numbers value free and fair elections, which is why election officials should be able to do their jobs free of intimidation and political interference, and also why reasonable legislation such as Electoral Count Act reform would satisfy voters’ wishes. Elections should be broadly representative of the populace. The most basic condition of that is to count every vote and report them fairly,” said Nick Troiano, Executive Director of Unite America.

“Voters overwhelmingly trust their local and state election officials. Even two-thirds of Trump Republicans (67%) express confidence that voters in their state will accept the results as fair and accurate,” said Nicole McCleskey, partner at Public Opinion Strategies and the principal researcher for this survey.

Public Opinion Strategies conducted a multi-state survey of voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The 2,033 voters survey was conducted Oct. 20-26, 2022, and has a credibility interval of +/-2.48%. To view the polling memo, click here.