New Poll: Arizona voters reject election manipulation, support nonpartisan election administration and improved voter access


PHOENIX, Ariz. – Arizona voters across party lines agree on key election process and administration issues, according to a new statewide poll conducted by Noble Predictive Insights on behalf of Secure Democracy Foundation. The poll found Grand Canyon State voters have confidence in the state’s election results, reject efforts to manipulate nonpartisan election administration processes, and support expanded voter access.

Key findings from the poll of likely Arizona voters include:

  • Arizona voters are confident in the state’s election results: 69% are confident that the election results in Arizona will be accurate for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Additionally, 66% of likely voters reported they are confident in the 2022 gubernatorial election results and 67% are confident in the 2020 presidential election results in Arizona.
  • Arizona voters reject efforts to overturn election results: 78% believe the outcome of elections should be determined by local election officials counting votes and state officials declaring the winner based on those vote counts, while only 10% said the state legislature should be able to override the final vote count verified by local election officials.
  • Overwhelming majority want professionalism and nonpartisanship in election audits: 91% agree that election audits should be conducted only by experienced, non-partisan professionals and 71% agree that Arizona’s partisan review of the 2020 election results from Maricopa County by CyberNinjas was costly and embarrassing for the state.
  • Strong opposition to making ballots public for inspection: 69% of Arizona voters believe only state or local officials should be able to inspect their ballot – not members of the public.
  • Arizona voters do not support hand counts: 77% agreed that allowing secure tabulation equipment provides a quicker and more accurate result than a hand count, while 73% agreed that mandating that every ballot is hand counted would open the door for human error or corruption.
  • Arizona voters want flexibility for mail ballot return deadlines: 73% believe mail ballots returned or posted by the voter by Election Day should be counted.
  • Arizona voters support providing notice before voter registration is canceled: 85% of likely Arizona voters agree that a voter should receive official notice from local officials before their voter registration is canceled for any reason.
  • Arizona voters support voting rights restoration: 62% agree that people with a past felony conviction should have their voting eligibility automatically restored once they are released from prison and have returned to their communities. 
  • Strong support for the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC): 72% agree the state should remain a member of ERIC, while only 9% responded that Arizona should leave ERIC.

“Despite heightened polarization and disinformation about the integrity of Arizona’s elections, Arizona voters across the political spectrum have confidence in the state’s elections and reject efforts to manipulate nonpartisan processes.” said Daniel Griffith, senior director of policy for Secure Democracy Foundation. “This poll shows that heading into 2024, Arizona voters strongly favor nonpartisan election administration and expanded voter access.”

The poll was commissioned by Secure Democracy Foundation and conducted by Noble Predictive Insights. The online poll reached 1,201 registered voters and 1,038 likely voters in Arizona from November 14-20, 2023, with a margin of error of +/- 2.83%. A memo outlining the findings can be found here.