New Poll: Florida voters trust local election officials, support enhanced voter access options


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – A new poll, commissioned by Secure Democracy Foundation and conducted by the Tyson Group, finds broad consensus among Florida voters around trust in local election officials, and policies that would improve voter access.

Key findings from the statewide poll of Florida voters conducted by The Tyson Group include:

  • Florida voters trust local election officials: 75% express trust in local poll workers and 73% trust in their county Supervisor of Elections.
  • Florida voters support robust early and mail voting: 88% support having multiple options for Florida voters to cast a ballot, 87% support convenient options for early, in-person voting, and 76% express confidence in voting by mail.
  • Florida voters want to expand early voting options: 76% support early voting in all elections, including local and municipal elections, and 72% support providing at least 10 days of early voting.
  • Florida voters continue to support voting rights restoration: 60% support allowing Florida citizens with prior felony convictions to regain their eligibility to vote when they are no longer incarcerated. 68% believe that Floridians with prior felony convictions should be able to use an easily accessible online database to find accurate, up-to-date information about their eligibility to vote. 
  • Florida voters support voter privacy: 63% support not having private information, such as their Social Security number, on their absentee mail ballot envelope.

“Florida voters trust in their local election officials and support early voting and vote-by-mail among many options to ensure voter access,” said Daniel Griffith, senior director of policy for Secure Democracy Foundation. “Despite growing polarization across America on some issues, when it comes to elections, Florida voters across the spectrum voice strong support for policies and processes that improve access and strengthen trust.”

The poll was commissioned by Secure Foundation Foundation and conducted by the Tyson Group. The poll reached 1,000 likely general election voters in Florida between November 27-29, 2023. The survey has an overall margin of sampling error of +/- 2.95%. A memo outlining the findings can be found here.