New Poll: Georgia voters trust their election processes, express confidence in 2024, and reject election-related disinformation


ATLANTA, Ga.A new poll, commissioned by Secure Democracy Foundation, finds strong majorities of Georgia voters trust their local and state election processes. Voters view the state as prepared for 2024 elections, while also generally rejecting election-related disinformation.

Key findings from the statewide poll of Georgia voters conducted by Cygnal include:

  • Two-thirds (66%) of Georgia voters are confident that election results in Georgia will be accurate for the upcoming 2024 election and the same share (67%) of Georgia voters say the current system of checks and balances between local and state officials works.
  • An overwhelming share (89%) of Georgia voters support the state of Georgia providing local election officials the necessary resources and funding to ensure fair, accurate, and smooth elections. 
  • Nearly seven-in-10 (69%) of Georgia voters support staying in ERIC, a multi-state program designed to help states keep their voter rolls up to date by removing ineligible voters, providing voter registration information to those who are eligible to vote, and investigating potential illegal voting.
  • Likewise, 69% of Georgia voters express confidence in the accuracy and reliability of voting equipment used throughout Georgia’s polling places.
  • 64% of Georgia voters support ensuring that polling places have resources in languages other than English, such as voter guides or ballot initiative descriptions.
  • 64% support Georgia’s online voter registration system, while 54% support the state’s automatic voter registration system.
  • 56% of Georgia voters support restoring voting eligibility to Georgians with a past felony conviction who have completed all other terms of probation and/or parole, but haven’t yet paid fines and fees.

“As Georgia heads to the polls next year, voters across the political spectrum express strong confidence in the security and accuracy of Georgia elections,” said Daniel Griffith, senior director of policy for Secure Democracy Foundation. “This poll is another piece of evidence showing that Georgia voters continue to reject false narratives about their elections, and instead support their local election officials working to run smooth, secure, and accessible elections.”

The poll was commissioned by Secure Foundation Foundation and conducted by Cygnal. The poll reached likely 2024 general election voters in Georgia between November 13-14, 2023. The survey has an overall margin of sampling error of +/- 3.46%. A memo outlining the findings can be found here.